
When you place an order from Infusiondepot as long as you order before 6:00 PM EST, the product is in stock, and your account is verified, your package will ship the same day or the next business day. To ensure you receive your products quickly and in good condition, we use express shipping companies to deliver your package.


In the unlikely event you are unhappy with the products you receive, you may qualify for a refund.

For refrigerated products, we will issue refunds only if:

  1. When you made your purchase, we misrepresented the product packaging.
  2. Your product arrived damaged.

If we determine you should receive a refund, you may choose either to receive a full refund or have your order, or part of your order, re-shipped.

Please note that any product defects/issues must be reported within 1 months from the date of receipt in order to receive a replacement or refund. We will not replace or refund any items with issues that are brought to our attention after this period ends.

Since we sell medical products, among others, we cannot guarantee we will accept returns or offer refunds in all circumstances. However, we will work with you as best we can to ensure you are a satisfied customer.